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Writer: Hugo MoctezumaHugo Moctezuma

We all face situations that seem impossible, it is easy to get discouraged, and think that things will never work out, but the Bible says that God goes before us straightening crooked paths. Maybe today you don't have the connections to achieve your dreams, but don't worry,

because God goes before you preparing the right people. Everything happens for a reason, and what doesn't happen is also for a reason. God is arranging the right breakthroughs, the right opportunities, the right doors.

You may have lost your job today, or perhaps your salary was cut, it is easy to become negative and think that things will never change, but we have to understand that this loss does not take God by surprise. And it is that we have to understand that God is not in heaven scratching his head and thinking: “Oh no. What do I do now?

God has already written every day of your life in his book,

He he knows your future. He knows what you're going through, he knew exactly when you were going to have that setback in your life, so when the problem appears, God already has the answer.

God always anticipates what happens to us.

The disease could have taken you by surprise, you don't even know what to do, but God does. He will be your GP.

If you remain with your faith in God, and with the right attitude, you will enter a better chapter of your life. Tests have a beginning and also an end. God promised to fight our battles. If your medical report has you worried, trust that He guides you to a better path, a path of healing, a path of restoration and victory.

Psalm 23:3

It will comfort my soul;

He will guide me through paths of justice for his name's sake.

Deuteronomy 9:1-3

Listen, Israel: today you are going to cross the Jordan, to enter to disposess nations more numerous and more powerful than you, cities great and walled up to heaven; a great and tall people, sons of the Anaceans, of whom you have knowledge, and have heard say, Who will stand before the sons of Anac? He understands, therefore, today, that it is Jehovah your God who passes before you like a consuming fire, who will destroy and humiliate them before you; and thou shalt drive them out, and destroy them at once, as Jehovah hath spoken unto thee.

Your situation can be so complicated, problems bigger and more powerful than you, a legal problem with someone bigger than you, a debt that is more than what you have saved. But God goes before you, who

he is the biggest? Yes, it may seem impossible for you to save her, your life challenges are great, the odds are slim, but this is not about you, God is ahead.

And if God goes ahead I have the victory assured.

If God goes ahead, I won't worry about my "I can't" anymore, He can do everything.

God has the last word in my life, he has promised that he will cross with me, he will go before me and defeat my enemies. I agree with God's agenda on all my affairs, they will no longer be my plans, they will be God's plans, they will no longer be my burdens, I promise to rest in God.

With God before you, do not fear the future, He is straightening the crooked places.

God knows what he's doing, he sees the whole picture. God never promised us a smooth journey, but he did promise us a safe arrival.Sometimes God will allow challenges just to show his goodness in a greater way.




Pr. Hugo G. Moctezuma es un hijo de Dios que te puede ayudar en lo que necesitas

It is a pleasure for me, as your server, to introduce you to #Christ who is our way, the truth and the life as John 14:6 says.


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