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God Sustains Us

Writer: Hugo MoctezumaHugo Moctezuma

In our daily lives, we encounter numerous challenges and concerns, especially regarding our basic needs like food and sustenance. However, the Word of God offers us a different and hopeful perspective on how to face these situations. In the passage from Luke 11:9-13 in the New Living Bible, we find valuable teachings that invite us to seek God with the same determination we seek our daily sustenance and to place our trust in Him as our inexhaustible source of provision and blessings.

God's Promise

In the mentioned passage, Jesus tells us: "Ask, and you will receive; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you" (Luke 11:9 NLT). Here, we are presented with an amazing promise that encourages us to turn to God in prayer and trust that He will respond to our needs. God is a loving and generous Father who desires the best for His children. If even earthly parents, imperfect as they are, know how to give good gifts to their children, how much more will our heavenly Father do so?

God Sustain and gives provision in the Desert

In Deuteronomy 8:2-3 NLT, we are reminded of how God led His people through the desert for forty years, testing and humbling them to know their priorities and obedience. God allowed them to go hungry, and then provided them with manna, an unknown food until then, to show them that humans do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.

Dios sustenta y alimenta

This experience teaches us that God is capable of sustaining us even in the most difficult and challenging circumstances of life.

The Joy of Encountering God

In Psalm 104:15 NLT, three elements are mentioned that symbolize important aspects of our relationship with God: wine, oil, and bread. Wine gladdens man's heart, oil makes the face shine, and bread sustains man's life. When we fervently seek the presence of God, we find joy and satisfaction in our lives. The Holy Spirit fills our being with eternal joy, divine oil gives us a special glow on our faces, and the bread of God's Word provides growth and direction for our lives.

The Power of Gratitude, God Sustain

Gratitude is a key attitude in our relationship with God. In Deuteronomy 8:11-18 NLT, we are warned about the danger of forgetting the Lord when we experience prosperity and blessings. Throughout history, God has been faithful in His provision, even when we have been ungrateful and strayed away from Him. Recognizing and thanking God for the blessings we receive helps us maintain a humble perspective and remember that He is the one who sustains us and gives us the power to obtain wealth.

Risks and Blessings

God loves us unconditionally and takes risks to bless us, despite our human nature and possible forgetfulness. He is the inexhaustible source of sustenance and provision. If we trust in Him and seek Him diligently, we will be amazed by the abundant provision He will grant us. In Nehemiah 9:21 NLT, it is highlighted how God sustained His people for forty years in the desert, ensuring that they lacked nothing; even their clothes remained in good condition, and their feet did not swell. This shows us God's care and love for His children, providing everything they need.

Dios sustenta sus promesas

En Nehemías 9:21 NBV, se destaca cómo Dios sustentó a su pueblo durante cuarenta años en el desierto, asegurándose de que no les faltara nada, incluso sus vestimentas permanecieron en buen estado y sus pies no se hincharon. Esto nos muestra el cuidado y amor de Dios por sus hijos, proveyendo todo lo que necesitan.


In conclusion, the Word of God teaches us that He is our inexhaustible source of sustenance and blessings. It invites us to seek Him with the same determination we seek our daily sustenance and to trust that He will answer our needs. By remembering that we do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from God, we find purpose and direction in our lives. Through gratitude and humility, we acknowledge that God is the one who provides for us and gives us the power to obtain wealth. Therefore, let us passionately seek our God and place our trust in His unconditional love, knowing that He will always sustain us and abundantly bless us.

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Pr. Hugo G. Moctezuma es un hijo de Dios que te puede ayudar en lo que necesitas

It is a pleasure for me, as your server, to introduce you to #Christ who is our way, the truth and the life as John 14:6 says.


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